When the imperative is followed by a personal pronoun, they are written as a single word.
The stress of an imperative with one syllable plus pronoun remains the same:
- da + me → dame
/’da/ + /me/ → /dáme/
Imperatives with more than one syllable add an accent mark when combining with a pronoun:
- diga + me → dígame
- levante + se → levántese
- llama + me → llámame
Escucha y repite las frases. Pronuncia bien todas las vocales. |
Dígame su nombre. |
Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.
Levántese de la silla. |
Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.
Cállate, por favor. |
Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.
Súbase al autobús. |
Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.
Cómete toda la comida. |
Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.
Bébete un vaso de agua. |
Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.
Siéntese en el sillón. |
Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.
Tómese una aspirina. |
Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.
Váyanse a descansar. |
Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.
Siéntense en la sala de espera. |
Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.