Vowel sounds are pronounced together in a sequence, even when they’re in separate words.

Es bueno y‿es listo (esbue-no-ieslis-to)

Remember: h is not pronounced in Spanish, and vowels coming before or after an h are also pronounced together.

ahora [a’oɾa] alcohol [al’kol]

Personal pronouns are not accented; auxiliary verbs, however (ser, haber, ir + a + infinitive) are.

Listen and compare the stressed and unstressed syllables.

⬛⬜⬛⬜ ⬜⬜⬛⬜
Ha cavado (a-ca-ba-do) ~ acabado (a-ca-ba-do)
⬛   ⬛⬜ ⬜⬛⬜
Es cojo (esco-jo) ~ escojo (es-co-jo)

When the same vowel comes one after the other in two or three words and one is accented, they are pronounced as one longer sound.

Me‿he vestido (me:-ves-ti-do) ¿Cómo va‿a pagar?  (-mo-va:-pa-gar)

Note the different pronunciation of the following phrases:

Sin alargamiento: ¿Qué techo?  (quéte-cho) Con alargamiento: ¿Qué tehecho? (quéte:-cho)
Sin alargamiento: apagado (a-pa-ga-do) Con alargamiento: Haapagado (ha:-pa-ga-do)
escucha_repite_cascos_micro Escucha y repite las frases. Junta y alarga los sonidos correctamente:
Me‿he‿ido      →      (me:-i-do)

Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.

Va‿a‿clase      →      (va:-cla-se)

Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.

¿Vas‿a‿salir?      →      (va-sa-sa-lir)

Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.

Él‿ha‿hecho‿un‿examen      →      (é-la-e-chou-ne-xa-men)

Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.

Va‿a comprar‿a‿Alicante.      →      (va:-com-pra-ra:-li-can-te)

Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.

escucha_repite_cascos_micro Escucha y repite las frases. Junta y alarga los sonidos correctamente:
Me visto      →      (me-vis-to)

Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.

Me‿he visto      →      (me:-vis-to)

Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.

Estado      →      (es-ta-do)

Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.

He‿estado      →      (e:sta-do)

Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.

Lo vas‿a ver      →      (lo-ba-sa-ber)

Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.

Lo va‿a‿saber      →      (lo-ba:-sa-ber)

Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.

Techado      →      (te-cha-do)

Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.

Te‿he‿echado      →      (te:-cha-do)

Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.

Ha pagado      →      (ha-pa-ga-do)

Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.

Ha‿apagado      →      (ha:-pa-ga-do)

Now record your voice in an audio note and check your intonation.